
Electrical System Basics

The electrical system of a vehicle is like the nervous system in a human body: it sends signals to every part, ensuring they function together seamlessly. When a component of your vehicle’s electrical system fails, it can impact the overall operation of the vehicle.  In this month’s blog post, we review electrical system basics.

Components and Functions

This system is composed of several key components, each playing a crucial role in your vehicle’s operation.

  1. Battery: Your vehicle’s battery provides the necessary power to start the engine and powers all the electrical accessories when the engine is not running.
  2. Alternator: Once the engine is running, the alternator takes over from the battery to power the vehicle’s systems and works to automatically recharge the battery.
  3. Starter Motor: The starter motor uses power from the battery to start the engine.
  4. Wiring: A complex network of wires, fuses, and relays that transmit electric power and signals to and from various parts of the vehicle.

Common Problems and Signs

Electrical problems can manifest in various ways. Here are some common signs:

  • Difficulty Starting the Engine: This could indicate a problem with the battery, starter motor, or wiring.
  • Dimming or Flickering Lights: This could be a sign of a failing alternator.
  • Blown Fuses: If fuses frequently blow, this could indicate an overloading of the electrical system or a short circuit. Fuses serve to absorb any electrical current surges to protect other engine parts.
  • Burning Smell or Smoke: This is a serious issue and could indicate a short circuit. If you notice this, seek professional help immediately.

Maintenance Tips

Maintaining your vehicle’s electrical system is crucial for its longevity. Here are some steps you can follow:

  1. Regular Inspection: Regularly check the battery for any signs of corrosion, and ensure the connections are tight and clean.
  2. Service Professional Check-Up: Have a professional mechanic inspect your vehicle’s electrical system at least once a year.
  3. Promptly Replace Failing Parts: If you notice any signs of a failing component, have it replaced immediately to prevent further damage.
  4. Avoid Overloading the System: Do not use too many accessories at once as it can overload the system.

Remember, a well-maintained electrical system not only ensures a smooth ride but also extends the life of your vehicle. If you have concerns about your vehicle’s electrical system, or want to have it inspected, contact the service professionals at Geller’s Automotive to schedule an appointment.