Gasoline prices are starting to climb again. If you are looking for ways to save at the pump, these tips have been found to be very effective for improving gas mileage.
How to Choose the Right Oil Filter for Your Vehicle
When you have the oil changed in your vehicle, it’s important to use a high-quality motor oil. Did you also know that the type of oil filter that’s installed should also be one of high quality? The same holds true for the quality of the oil filter that is used. Using a poor-quality oil or not having the oil changed when needed will lessen the life of your engine. The same can be said for the oil filter that’s used. A poor-quality filter can be disastrous to your engine.
Are the Ignition Coils the Cause of Your Check Engine Light Problem?
Check engine light issues can cause a lot of angst for vehicle owners. They can be triggered from something as simple as a loose or bad gas cap or leaking hose to more detailed issues like faulty ignition coils. What often happens with a Check Engine or Service Engine Soon light warning is that vehicle owners ignore the light instead of having it checked out right away. The problem with this is that whatever caused the light to trigger is causing an issue with engine performance. If the source of the Check Engine Light trigger is not fixed, further engine damage will occur. This is particularly true when it relates to the ignition coils.
Replace or Repair a Flat Tire? How to Know the Difference Between the Two
Whether it happens in your garage or while you are driving, a flat tire is such an inconvenience. With all the foreign objects on and potholes in the roads, it’s only a matter of time before you will have to deal with a flat tire. Whether you can repair or replace the tire depends on how and where the tire was damaged. Tire repair must be done properly or it will put your safety at risk. This article will explain the difference between repairing and replacing a tire.
Signs of a Blown Head Gasket and What You Can Do to Prevent it from Happening
A blown head gasket is a pretty big deal. It’s such a major engine problem that some people actually refer to it as a blown motor. When there is a problem with the head gasket and you continue to drive, you will end up having to rebuild or replace the engine… or worse, buying a new vehicle. By properly maintaining your vehicle, you can prevent a blown head gasket from happening. Here’s more on the subject.
A Primer in Dashboard Warning Lights
The dashboard lights in your car are like an early warning system. When one comes on and stays on, it’s your vehicle’s way of letting you know there’s a problem. Some problems are critical and others… not so much. It’s important to know which one is critical and which one is not. Otherwise, if you continue to drive when a critical warning light is lit up, you risk serious engine damage.
Do I Really Need to Have a Tune-Up Done?
Years ago, most car owners wouldn’t think twice about having a tune-up done on their car. Now that car engines are a lot more sophisticated with computer controls and they seem to be more trouble-free, many don’t place a priority on having a tune-up done. The key word in the last sentence is “seem.” In actuality, having a tune-up done is important vehicle maintenance and something that shouldn’t be ignored.
Don’t Ignore These 5 Important Vehicle Maintenance Services
Busy work and family schedules can translate into a lot of driving. Who has time to deal with unexpected car repairs? Here’s the thing about vehicles… most of the car repair items and expenses people deal with could have been avoided had they taken the time to invest in some basic car maintenance. I put together this list of the 5 most overlooked vehicle maintenance items so you can avoid the headaches and hassles of a vehicle breakdown.
4 Simple Ways to Identify Potential Car Problems
We use our senses to help us relate to our surrounding environment. Why not use them when it comes to identifying potential car problems? Your car, truck or van is really quite sophisticated. An onboard computer is designed to regulate the engine operation and will alert you to any issues. Then there are the fluids we use to lubricate all the engine parts. Our vehicles run so well that it’s sometimes easy to delay maintenance until something happens… Here are some tips on how you can use your senses to help you identify car problems so you can bring it in for service before it becomes a major repair.
What can lead to catalytic converter failure?
Part of your vehicle’s exhaust system, the catalytic converter has the important job of preventing harmful pollutants from entering the air. It’s made out of several precious metals (usually platinum and palladium) that act as a chemical catalyst to convert the gases coming through your vehicle’s exhaust. Because of the metals it contains, this part is quite expensive to replace if it fails. Knowing how to take care of the catalytic converter will help you avoid this repair bill.