
Did you know this about your engine oil warning light?

Trust your oil warning light issues to Geller's Automotive.What would you do if your engine oil warning light came on while you were driving? Would you safely pull over to the side of the road or would you keep on driving? Some lights, like the “red-colored” engine oil light, are critical warning lights that indicate a potentially serious problem with a vehicle’s engine. Read on to find the answers to all the questions you may have about your engine oil warning light.

Do These Three Things to Avoid Some Common Summer Car Care Problems

Don't fall victim to these summer car care problems. Has your car ever overheated in the summer leaving you stranded on the side of the road? Not fun, right? You probably won’t like hearing this but that vehicle break down probably could have been avoided. Like winter, summer temperatures are harsh on vehicle engines. Without regular maintenance, your vehicle has a greater chance of succumbing to the perils of high temperatures. By doing these three things, you can avoid the most common summer car care problems.

Get Your Vehicle Ready for Summer Vacation

pre-vacation-vehicle-inspectionWill you be traveling to your summer vacation destination? No doubt there’s a lot of planning involved. Don’t forget about your vehicle! Making certain your vehicle is ready is one of the more important aspects of trip preparation. By bringing your vehicle in for service at least one week before you plan to leave for your summer vacation, you’ll be able to make sure you won’t have any unexpected surprises, like a vehicle breakdown.

Car air conditioner isn’t working? These 5 reasons may be why…

For car air conditioner repair and maintenance in Byram, New Jersey - Geller's Automotive.Hot and humid summer days are no time to find out your car’s air conditioner isn’t working.  It definitely makes for an unpleasant driving experience.  Often times the reason the air conditioning system is blowing warm air is because the level of refrigerant is low. More times than not, there’s a leak somewhere in your system. Easy enough to find and fix, but what if there’s something more going on?  

Is your car making your allergies worse? It could be the cabin air filter.

Ask Geller's Automotive in Byram, NJ, to change your dirty cabin air filter.If you suffer from environmental allergies, it’s important for you to know that your car may be making your allergies worse. What?! When was the last time you had the cabin air filter changed in your car? Surprisingly, for many the answer is “never.”  Most people aren’t even aware there is a special filter for the air that comes into their vehicle. So, if you have never replaced the cabin air filter or it has been a long time since you’ve had this done, you may want to have it taken care of right away. Here’s why it’s important.

My Tire Air Pressure Monitoring System Light Won’t Turn Off

If your tire air pressure warning light comes on, make sure your tires are inflated properly.How you handle this situation depends on why the tire air pressure monitoring system warning light turned on. The first course of action is to check the air pressure in all your tires. But, what if the air pressure in your tires is fine? What next? Read on to find out why your tires have a monitoring system, how it works, and what to do in the event the tire air pressure warning light comes on.

Skipping that Next Oil and Filter Change Will Do This to Your Car

The importance of an oil and filter change.Uh oh! That little sticker on your windshield says you’re overdue for your next oil and filter change. It may have you wondering, “Is it really necessary to have the oil and filter changed that frequently?” If you want to minimize engine breakdowns and/or drive your vehicle for many years to come, the answer is simple – Don’t skip your next oil and filter change. In this blog post, I’ll talk about why oil changes are important to the longevity and performance of your vehicle. I’ll also identify how often you should have the oil and filter changed.

8 Things You Must Do to Help Avoid Transmission Repair Problems

Having a problem shifting and think you need transmission repair? Call Geller's Automotive in Byram, NJWhen was the last time you checked your transmission fluid? Most people don’t. In fact, many vehicle owners don’t do much to maintain or prevent problems with their vehicle’s transmission. I get it. Car maintenance can sometimes feel like you’re spending money needlessly. However, preventive maintenance is far from being a needless expenditure of time and money. In fact, the money you spend on properly maintaining your transmission is much less than the cost of transmission repair or replacement. In this blog post, I’ll outline the 8 things you must do to help avoid transmission repair problems.

Car Care Tips for College Students

car-care-tips-for-college-studentsDo you have a college-bound driver who will be heading back to school this month? I’m fairly certain that least on his or her list of to-dos is making sure the vehicle is up for the trip. Before things get too hectic, it’s a good idea to think about car care for your college-bound driver. As parents, you’ll want to know the vehicle he or she will be driving is safe and reliable. Can you imagine the hassles of dealing with a vehicle breakdown and finding a mechanic near their school? By following some basic automotive car care tips for college students, you can make sure your college-bound driver’s vehicle is ready for the roads.

The 4 Most Essential Preventive Car Maintenance Services

preventive-car-maintenanceEvery so often, you’ll hear me talk about the need for preventive car maintenance. When you do, you may ask yourself, “Why should I pay for something to be replaced before it breaks?” The answer is simple. If you want to keep your vehicle for as long as possible, preventive maintenance is a must. You’ll also find it saves you money. Read on to learn how you’ll save money with these four essential preventive car maintenance services: